The action of the first flight in North Carolina
A. Craftspeople
Impacts of Industrialization
As factories expanded to manufacture things other than textiles, the process of making goods became highly mechanized. And as machine production replaced handcrafts, the level of skill required to manufacture items went down. Operating a machine in a factory took far less skill than making something by hand. As a result, manufacturing products' manufacturing process became cheaper, allowing the middle classes to buy more consumer products. Along with this, however, the wages for working-class laborers dropped and some trades had a difficult time competing with machines. When factories and machines replaced workshops and handcrafted work, tradespeople became workers. As workers tied to an employer, they were forced to accept lower wages for less-skilled jobs. This shift from skilled to unskilled labor made it difficult for workers to demand better working conditions and pay since factory workers were easy to train and easy to replace. This meant that workers could do little about their low wages or the difficult working conditions in the factories.
Working conditions in factories were incredibly harsh. Workdays were often as long as 16 hours with very few breaks. Factory conditions were uncomfortable and unsafe. With all the machines running, room temperatures could become very hot, and the conditions were crowded. Working the machines could be hazardous, and injuries and even deaths were common. And, despite all these risks and poor conditions, the wages were quite low.
They were made up.
The Elizabethan Era existed during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the language of the time was much different than today's English language.
Many words used in the Elizabethan language are no longer in use. Other words have replaced them or the original meaning and use of the words are no longer required
An amusing example of words now 'extinct' in the modern English language is 'gong'. The Elizabethan word 'gong' meant dung. The men whose job was to empty and dispose of the waste from the privies (toilets) were called 'Gong Farmer.
The number of words used in the Elizabethan Language were constantly developing during Elizabethan times - their vocabulary was expanding.
The Elizabethan language and vocabulary had not been formalized. New words were being invented. Elizabethan dictionaries were not available. Elizabethan words were therefore written in a variety of different formats.
Mita system was one of the best inventions of the Incan government! Enormous construction of structures and highways was made possible because of the system. In the system all the people worked for the government for a certain period of time. This labor was free to government. During the Incan period, people were needed to work only 65 days to provide food for their family. So they had ample time afterwards. When it was someone elses turn,they had to join Mita. It was like the public service systems of modern times. Government took care of the family who was absent in the while working in MIta. In Mita people worked in building highways, construction of Emperor and nobles, monuments, bridges,houses, temple fields, Emporer fields and also mines.