One problem is by trading by sea, ships are bring invaise sea creatures to other countries and can harm the wild life for other marine ecosystems and for tons of people.
E) Women in many countries gained the right to vote in the years after the war.
Women played a great role on all fronts in World War One, serving with abnegation, heroism and patriotism. After the war, this gave a new momentum to the longtime feminist fight for equal political rights; it increased the political and social pressure for granting women the right to vote. In the US , this was finally granted by the 19th Amendment in 1920.
Then again in 1642 but then revoked it in 1891
This is an open question.
I think public opinion plays a large role in shaping governmental policies in the United States today.
This is because mass media presence is all over the nation and their broadcasters and reporters have a strong presence in the formation of the opinion of the American people.
I have to say that not as much as 15 years ago because the credibility of these mas media slots has reduced, particularly in young people, students, and professionals in their 30s. This segment of the audience likes to be more informed and do not only believe what the news says. They like to do research on their own, listen to other opinions, and come up with their own idea.
However, the adult audience stills paying so much attention to what opinion leaders say, and basically, they follow through.
1. The primary group for whom goods and services are produced in a traditional economy is the tribe or family group. In a command economy, the central government decides what goods and services will be produced, what wages will be paid to workers, what jobs the workers do, as well as the prices of goods.