For his own sake, no. What he did blatantly put himself in danger and finally was placed under interrogation, etc & so forth.
For the sake of science, yes. What he did, and the consequences thereof, would have publicised his struggle, especially during the age of Enlightenment. Although what he did might also have momentarily pushed people away from science in fear of the consequences of facing the church due to the harsh punishment that he was subjected to. His persistence was, in the end only healthy for the development of science in later years.
TRUE : <em>Women were limited to a basic education because many people believed that women did not need higher education.
FALSE : <em>Many considered women’s public roles in the temperance movement to be unacceptable.
TRUE : <em>Society encouraged women to get involved in issues related to home and family.
TRUE : <em>Women’s active public participation in the abolitionist movement was generally considered appropriate.
<em />
A budget deficit occurs when government expenditure is greater than revenue. When this happens the government is now forced to acquire loans to remedy the deficiency and as such national debt grows. A budget surplus occurs when revenue is greater than expenditure. When this occurs there is no need to get more loans and the surplus can now be used to service the national debt; thus reducing it.
D. to provide the government with the power necessary to control the
Well, all terms would suggest to A. it made life much shorter. Starvation makes you weak, and your vital organs don't function properly, often times leading to death. Hope this helps!