Smith believed that the government's role was very way might Adam Smith have disagreed with this statement, SMith was staunch supporter of limited government<span>
Natural law is the orderly principles -- the laws of nature -- that govern the functioning of nature everywhere, from atoms to ecosystems to galaxies. ... They felt that, through knowledge ofnatural law, both science andgovernment would promote the goals of freedom and happiness of the people
Answer:In the three weeks since George Floyd’s death, public opinion on race and policing has zoomed left. Support for Black Lives Matter is skyrocketing. Almost 60 percent of Americans think police are more likely to use excessive force on an African American suspect than a white suspect — a sea change from 2016, when only 34 percent of registered voters said the same. And an overwhelming majority of Americans now say they support a wide variety of police reforms, even if polling suggests that “defend the police” is still a radioactive slogan.
Explanation: Credits: The Washington Post; Public opinion on policing has shifted.
The second choice mentioned above exposed the element that caused the British to surrender at Yorktown George. The troops of Washington outnumbered the British soldiers by two to one, referring to August 27-29, 1776. The army was defeated completely, and that is the main factor.
A - The Thirteen Colonies should stay loyal to King George.
The Sons of Liberty were not a fan of King George and were fixated on separating from England. They were known for fighting taxation by the British government and played a major role in most colonies battling The Stamp Act.