He applied the concept of natural selection to humans, through the transmission of genetic characteristics transmitted from parents to children.
Francis Galton created the Eugenia concept, by integrating Medel's genetic discoveries, the theory of natural selection. That's because, eugenics states that there are races among human beings. These breeds are considered superior when they receive genes that trigger characteristics that allow the members of these breeds to prevail within the environment in which they live.
1. Roma videmus
-Here, Rome would need to be in the accusative case since it is the direct object. The correct word would be <em>Romam.</em>
2. Romani viae visito
-Visito is first person meaning "I visit." The correct word would be <em>visitant.</em>
-Again, you need to use the accusative case for direct objects. The correct word here would be <em>vias.</em>
3. Romani pugnae spectabimus
-Spectabimus translates to "We will watch." The correct word would have been <em>spectabunt.</em>
-Again, battles needs to be in the accusative case since it is being watched. The correct word would be <em>pugnas.</em>
Hope this helps.
The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses.
Progressivism was a movement that believed the social challenges caused by industrialization, urbanization, and immigration in the 1890s and 1900s could be addressed. Progressives believed that honest and efficient government could bring about social justice.
In Spanish:
El progresismo fue un movimiento que creía que los desafíos sociales causados por la industrialización, la urbanización y la inmigración en las décadas de 1890 y 1900 podían abordarse. Los progresistas creían que un gobierno honesto y eficiente podría generar justicia social.
I think when giving directions