A. Democracy spread throughout the region
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe had slowly integrated a democratic government. This however does not mean it was perfect, most of them are corrupted but even Russia had declared itself a Republic after the end of the Communist Regime.
Virgin river, western direction.
- As lake quail is a dammed river and lies directly over the San Andrea fault and transform boundary with the North American plate on the northward side and the pacific plate on the southern side and a stream rises in the Pine Valley Mountains and flows to the southeasterly direction.
- The pacific plate is moving in the northwest direction due to the seafloor spreading from the eastern pacific rise. while the North America is being pushed to the southwest due to the spreading of the seafloor in the mid-Atlantic ridge.
B. the very quick rise in prices of goods that decreases the value of a country's currency.
‘Climate’ is an old idea, but an idea which retains tremendous power, versatility and utility in today’s world. For the Ancient Greeks, climate worked both as index and as agency , and this dual function has recurred throughout human cultural history and it works too in contemporary discourses about climate change. Climates change physically, but climates can also change ideologically. What climate means to different people in different places in different eras is not stable. If culture is concerned with how human meaning, symbolism and practice take on substantive and material forms, then studying climate through culture is likely to be a fruitful activity.