Biologists can grow specific plants to detoxify an area contaminated with heavy-metal pollution using the method of <u><em> Bioremediation. </em></u>
To rid an area of mosquitoes, biologists introduced a species of fish into bodies of water that feed on the mosquito larvae. This method is an example of <em>Biological Augmentation.</em>
Bioremediation can be described as a process which uses plants or microorganisms to detoxify contaminants that are present in an area. The enzymes of a plant or animal tend to break down the contaminants and hence, we can make an area rid of contaminants in this way.
Biological augmentation can be described as a method by which organisms such as bacteria are introduced in an area to get rid of wastes.
C Water flowing downstream is held up in a reservoir behind a dam. Some water moves down channels through turbines connected to generators which produce electricity
Good explanation.
the answer is A. E. coli B
The multiplicity of infection (MOI) refers to the ratio between the numbers of viruses used to infect <em>E. coli</em> cells and the numbers of these <em>E. coli </em>cells. Benzer carried out several experiments in order to define the gene in regard to function. Benzer observed that <em>E. coli </em>strains with point mutations could be classified into two (2) complementary classes regarding coinfection using the restrictive strain as the host. With regard to his experiments, Benzer observed that rII1 and rII2 mutants (rapid lysis mutants) are complementary when they produce progeny after coinfect E. coli K (where neither mutant can lyse the host by itself). The rII group of mutants studied by Benzer does not produce plaques on <em>E. coli</em> K strains that carry phage λ (lysogenic for λ), but they produce plaques on <em>E. coli</em> B strains. This study showed that rIIA and rIIB are different genes and/or cistrons in the rII region.
1- outer membrane 2- inter membrane space