In all American states, the governor is directly elected by the people.
Voters in the state usually register with one party (Republican, Democrat, or Independent), and during <u>primaries</u>, cast their vote for the candidate who will run for governorship for this party.
During the following <u>general election</u>, the winners of these primaries face the winners for the other parties.
A governor's term is 4 years, except in Vermont and New Hampshire, where it is 2 years. In most states, there is a limit of 2 consecutive terms.
The Vice President can be seen as a "back up" role to the president that also functions as Head of State (President of the Senate, presides over joint Congress sessions).
The Vice President is second in Presidential line of succession.
Previous Section Evolution of the Virginia Colony, 1611-1624; Next Section Establishing the Georgia Colony, 1732-1750; Virginia's Early Relations with Native Americans. Those living in the area where Jamestown was settled must have had mixed feelings about the arrival of the English in 1607.
Netherlands is one of the country found in the European region that is surrounded by water and limited land. In order to have access to more area for human habitation, Polders are adopted. Its' uses include the following:
1. It is used to reclaim land from sea
2. It is also used to control flooding in the country
3. Polders is also used to channel the sea through canals for irrigation during farming in Netherlands.
4. Polders are adopted through the constructions in Netherlands. This helps to prevent erosion in the country.