The page setup of a worksheet defines its appearance. In page setup there are also many things like what font we are using, margins, number of cells etc.
Worksheets are used to enter, calculate and analyze data in
numbers and text, and a collection of worksheets is known as workbook. we can create worksheets in Microsoft Excel.
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#Using python to create the list
#first we create an empty list to store our numbers.
import math
data = []
x = 0
InputSum = 0
NumInput=int(input("how many number do you want to add"))
while x <=(NumInput):
Input=int(input("Enter the numbers here"))
x = x+1
InputSum = InputSum + Input #this is to add the numbers entered
print("The number you entered are ")
print(*data) #this print the numbers entered
print("The sum of the numbers is", InputSum)
1. Bits
2. Bitrate
3. The amount of time it takes for bits to travel from one place to another.
4. Used to send bits wirelessly.
5. Cables that carry light and dramatically increase the speed and accuracy of information over the internet.
6. 8
7. The number of bits per second a system can transmit.
hey lol