El híbrido va a ser esteril.
En la cruza entre dos especies distintas, cuando ocurre, existen distintos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo, que son barreras que inhiben o interrumpen el flujo génico entre especies distintas. Es decir que no habrá exito reproductivo de estas cruzas. Se trata de caracteres biológicos propios de cada especie que previenen la reproducción con otras especies.
Estos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo pueden ser precigóticos o postcigóticos.
1.Pre-copulatorios o pre-cigóticos:
- Ecológico o por aislamiento de hábitat;
- Por incompatibilidad de gametas.
2. Post-copulatorios o cigóticos:
- Inviabilidad del híbrido;
- Híbrido con viabilidad o fertilidad disminuido;
- Interacciones citoplasmáticas.
La mula es producto de la cruza entre dos especies distintas: una yegua (Equus ferus caballus) y un burro (Equus africanus asinus). Es un ejemplo de la accion de mecanismo poscigótico, en el cual se forma un híbrido viable esteril. Este ejemplar puede nacer, crecer y sobrevivir, pero que no puede producir gametas funcionales, por lo cual no puede reproducirse.
This is referred to as: spontaneous recovery
Spontaneous recovery is a theory of learning and memory which involves unexpected and recurrence of a conditioned response after a period of reduced response or delay. Spontaneous recovery is associated with classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Extinction will happen quickly after a spontaneous recovery, if the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is not connected.
1.) Enzymes are a type of protein that speeds up the rate of chemical reactions
2.) Catalase is an enzyme in the liver that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
3.) By lowering the activation energy needed
4.) Catalysts
Mg(s) + H₂SO₄(aq) → MgSO₄(aq) + H₂(g)
Magnesium is a solid metal and sulfuric acid is aqueous (cuz all acids are aqueous)
When they react the salt formed is also in aqueous form and a precipitate of hydrogen is given off. hence H is a gas.
<em>Hope this helps </em>(●'◡'●)
A.Petals. Usually, petals are the most prominent part of a flower structure, owing to their vivid color (in most flower examples) and sometimes scent. Their main function is to attract pollinators and also protect the inner reproductive structures of a flower. In some flowers, petals are absent or reduced.
B.Stamen: The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther. Anther: The part of the stamen where pollen is produced. Pistil: The ovule producing part of a flower. The ovary often supports a long style, topped by a stigma.
C.Pistil interaction precedes fertilization in the flower. Important changes occur in the pistil, which play a role supporting, but also controlling pollen-tube growth
D. The ovule is the organ that forms the seeds of flowering plants. It is borne in the ovary of the flower and consists of nucellus protected by integuments, precursors of embryo/endosperm, and seed coat, respectively.