B.) As a stickler about statistics, I was disturbed by Mr. Schlosser's cavalier manipulation of data, which produced some startling — and, frankly, unbelievable — "facts."
Some good namez are 'The Litty Crew'' ''Roars'' Those are just the plain ones doe I got otherz but they arent good for here thx hope this helped!!!!!
What Hamlet is contemplating in his most famous soliloquy (To be or not to be) is the nature of life and what he should do with it. He is thinking about whether he should end it all (kill himself) or continue living and fighting for his revenge. His father was killed by his own brother and he wants to avenge the king's death but he is unsure how to do it.
He is torn between these two decisions, leading him to be stuck and ultimately do nothing for a while because he is indecisive. On one hand, he can go after Claudius who murderer his father, but on the other hand, he understands that that is meaningless and it won't bring him anything. However, in the end, he finally makes a decision - to go through with his plan.
Dear mom ive been doing well in all the stuff you ask me to do and stuff i know to do and i would like to know if i would be allowed to invite said friend along on the vacation please think about this
sincerely:your name
He can fall.
Someone from his family is afraid to fall and Tom too.