Answer: In the first paragraph, the narraraor seeks to establish his credibility, as if he expects the reader to believe that his especially acute sense of hearing makes him more believable than an ordinary observer. The narrarator purports that his calm, detailed account will be accepted as truthful, despite some irrational decisions and actions. The narrarator's attention to detail clues the reader to "expect the unexpected" in terms of details the narrator's heightened senses reveal.
In the third paragraph, the narrator reveals that he has, in fact, killed the old man. We are hearing the account of a murderer rationalizing his actions, as if this is what anyone with his keen perception and ability to carry out this elelaborate scheme would have done. The reader realizes that this narrator is crazy, but we are still listening, but we can intrpret his intentions as absolutely irrational. Speaking corageously to the man by day, sneaking stealthily into his bedroom by night.
The fourth paragraph confirms the reader's suspicions that the narator is beyond belief: feeling the extent of his own powers. And even when he thinks the old man may have heard him, he persists in his incredibly slow, deliberate intention to intrude into the man's bedroom-- hoping to see what he has defined as Evil Eye-- as if the narrator has a duty to eliminate something that vexes only him. Our impression must be that this narrator can't escape the consequences of his actions.
Muckalize means to damage or to make a mess of. Hope this helps! :)
As it turns out, Steve is both our narrator and the person on trial for murder. ... The camera shoots to a holding room where King gives Steve a death stare until he ... They wanted to rob the drugstore, but Aguinaldo Nesbitt, the owner, defended ... cigarette cartons were missing and how Jose knew Mr. Nesbitt was a goner.
Explanation: Found on website Shmoop.
Lifestyle, serious health issues and age.
Health is a right, even though in several countries it's not considered so. when doing a research about health it's important to understand how health is not precisely just the lack of sickness, but instead, it's the complete wellbeing of the person. Therefore, there will be many factors that affect it, nevertheless, the most important one is Lifestyle. Lifestyle may include many other insights, but exercise, eating habits and load of stress should be enough for knowing how the person develops everyday. Then, if the person has any health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a cardiac condition, this will definitely affect the way that the health service should treat the case. And finally, the age also affects the study. It's not the same a baby's health than a grown up or even a elder. This way, age affects severely the study and also provides some important information about the audience in general.
Its good to include thoughts, feelings, what was special about it..describe to the reader what it was like