Everybody feels freedom in his own way and everybody has own opinion of what is the freedom. Unfortunately now in our <span>society we have very primitive <span>values. Most of the people want to have expensive gadgets, clothes, cars and so on. And children do the same: they want to have all the toys they see on a TV screen and sometimes feel rage if they don't get what they want. So maybe children feel freedom when they have all they want and when they are not forced to do what they don't want to do.</span></span>
When you buy from a shop, say the name of the vegetables and cook vegetables, but of which the name of the തിരിച്ചിടും?
Strengths: High personality, scientific eminence, curiosity,knowledge,persistence, kind,creative, loves to read, hardworking. like to share discoveries - which basically made him a teacher.
Weakness: Suffers from memory Loss
A well-know saying is "Nothing is as well amazing to be true"
B. Fungus ................................................
കോവിഡ് -19 പാൻഡെമിക്കിന് എപ്പിഡെമോളജിക്കൽ നിരീക്ഷണത്തിനും പൊതുജനാരോഗ്യ തീരുമാനമെടുക്കലിനും