Well try finding out what transition effect means
The answer is
Mnemonic devices
Mnemonics enable us remember things more easily and often
refer to such internal strategies like reciting a rhythm or reciting the order
of colors of the rainbow. In cognitive psychology of memory, peg-word
method, keyword method, and the method of loci are discussed as formal mnemonic
b)void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
In the function definition you have to pass the tell the function which type of argument it is taking.In our case we are taking a variable co of Banana type passing it to the function named aNonclassFunction having no return type.
So the definition will be like this.
void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
The main circuit board of a computer is the Motherboard. The Processor(CPU) is located on the circuit board. The Processor(CPU) is the circuitry that processes information. The CPU is also known as the brain of the computer. The speed of the processor is controlled by the clock. The system clock controls the timing of all computer operations.
The Answer is A: <span>along one of the division lines. </span>