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Flora is plant life; fauna refers to animals. Fauna derives from the name of a Roman goddess, but the handiest way to remember the difference between flora and fauna is that flora sounds like flowers, which are part of the plant world; fauna, however, sounds like "fawn," and fawns are part of the animal kingdom.
f(x) = x² + 1, x > 0
y = x² + 1
x = y² + 1
x - 1 = y²
√x - 1 = y
√x - 1 = f(x), x > 1
The user's browser renders the html code as a visual web page
Multitasking is a process in which we do multiple task at a time.
In computing system, multitasking is the concept of performing different types of multiple task and process over a certain period of time by executing simultaneously.
Operating system basically allow various task to run simultaneously by the user. In an operating system, each task consume storage system and all the other resources.
Multitasking function facilitate memory isolation in the processor and also supported different levels of security system in the operating system. For example, "a programmer working on any program in a system and as well as listening the music then, it perform multiple task at the same time".