They were similar because with olfactory lethargy you have a delay in detecting a new smell because your receptors are overworked from a previously heavy smell, the same thing appear with afterimage, you stare at a color and your cones become lethargy, thus showing an afterimage of another color. they were contrasting because one deals with olfactory bulbs and the other deals with occipital lobes and optic nerves.
I feel like I would possibly be given little to no rights. As a minority myself, it'll be most difficult for me to survive under dictatorship. I wouldn't have any rights as a minority, possibly no self worth, etc. Dictators usually pick out the best people to be treated equally so that possibly will not apply to me or others. So, in conclusion, it'll be much different under a dictatorship than a democracy because of who I am as a person
Hey, you got a 50/50 chance, but I'm gonna say true.
Answer was provided by The Simple Dollar
The lower your credit utilization ratio on each card and across all your cards, the better. So in this case, having multiple credit cards can actually help your score by increasing your overall credit limit and spreading out your balances across multiple cards