How was the naming of organisms different before carolus Linnaeus: Before Linnaeus came up with a standardized system of naming, there were often many names for a single species, and these names tended to be long and confusing. Linnaeus decided that all species names should be in Latin and should have two parts. Remember, this 2-part system is called binomial nomenclature///////.
1. The Cell Wall.
Plants have a cell wall in order to maintain rigidity and stability. Animal cells do not have a cell wall because they have a different structure, which makes them more flexible and able to move around easier.
2. Chloroplasts
Since plants cannot move, they get their energy from the sun. This energy is made inside of the chloroplasts. Animal cells don't have chloroplasts because their energy comes from other organisms.
3. Central Vacuole
The central vacuole provides structure and holds materials and wastes, and also decomposes those wastes. Animal cells don't have a central vacuole because they have lysosomes and normal vacuoles that do the same function.
Eons, Eras, Periods, Epochs.
Sense the temperature is increasing, it’ll be A. Fahrenheit bro