White-tailed deer fill the niche, or role, in ecosystems of both herbivore and prey. They are affected by, and themselves affect, their ecosystem. In forests, they have been described as a “keystone species” because their feeding activity can directly and indirectly affect many plants and animals.
Turtles are known for their genetic similarities to leopards. So the answer is turtles.
b. Ngb-H64Q has a higher affinity than hemoglobin for both carbon monoxide and oxygen. However, Ngb-H64Q binds to carbon monoxide with a higher affinity than to oxygen.
A study of neuroglobin (Ngb), a hemoglobin-like protein present in the brain, was done at the University of Pittsburgh by a team of researchers. Upon testing the red blood cells of a mouse that contained carbon monoxide, they found that Ngb-H64Q was significantly better at removing CO from hemoglobin than 100-percent oxygen treatment. Hence Ngb-H64Q binds to carbon monoxide with a higher affinity than to oxygen.