Organize the steps in homeostasis in the order in which they occur.
Answer: Homeostasis is the process by which an organism maintains a relatively stable internal environment. This are the steps by which it maintains an equilibrium around a set point. Stimulus, Receptors, Control Center, Set Point, Effectors, and Finally a Response.
I hope it helps, Regards.
That would never happen lol
I wouldn't know cuz ima y'know buttttt I know that it can't happen
Main reason I think is adrenaline.. gives you the strength to run from a traumatic event. fight or flight response. hope it helps
This actually depends on which level of education you are and what they are looking for. Most people though merely considers it a part of the Digestive System as the bile it stores is used during digestion.
I have seen however several people put it down as part of the bilary system or subsystem which responsible for the creation and distribution of bile.