Anorexia or purging otherwise known as bulimia.
Human blood is red because of the protein hemoglobin, which contains a red-colored compound called heme that's crucial for carrying oxygen through your bloodstream
RBCs contain hemoglobin , a protein that carries oxygen. Blood gets its bright red color when hemoglobin picks up oxygen in the lungs. As the blood travels through the body, the hemoglobin releases oxygen to the different body parts.
These are the four main types of services in badminton and most can be executed with either your forehand or backhand.
Low serve. ...
High serve. ...
Flick serve. ...
Drive Serve. ...
Keep your feet still. ...
Disguise your shots. ...
Observe your opponents position. ...
Mix up your serves.
Unfortunately... You're better off keeping that VP shunt in your head. VP Shunts are usually kept in for a long time, which actually can cause a problem where skin and tissue attaches to the tube. VP Shunt removals are risky, because that means, that they would have to separate the tissues that have become attached to it, which can create major complications, especially when brain tissue is involved. You also run the risk of severe infection from doing so... The Shunt removal especially for such a long time period is better avoided, but it is possible, but you should probably bring it up with your PCP and a neurosurgeon or neurologist.
On the bright side, you can actively participate in sports just as long as it is not a contact sport, which risks contact with the shunt.
I mean, all kinda apply, but I think A and D are the big ones