In this digital era, the first channel is multimedia-based messages, like sending gifs through Messenger. The second channel is text-based digital messages, like SMS messages, Twitter or email. The third channel is something we see everywhere and every day, viral ads as it can provide massive exposure for a specific product or service.
Toook the tea and it’s right
My general description of such a person is someone, anyone who encourages and inspires others to appreciate the positive qualities of life, such as, good hygiene, health, gentleness, contentment, and safety. These qualities may seem dull or cliche to many people, but anyone who practices these qualities and appreciates these qualities does find life much more rewarding as opposed to so many people who destroy their life with addictions, negative attitudes, slovenliness, criminal activity, despair etc.
rhyme ending
It is technically called end rhyme but I think they are supposed to be the same thing.