Mainly Chris wanted to experience how it's like to live in the wilderness as he didn't clearly could see himself living inside rooted society. That's why he decided to donate all his savings, cut all connections and go to the most dangerous and wildest part of the USA.
The men represent the dynamic character.
So, B. Dynamic
The following conversation is acceptable.
Squilliam- "Hello James, It has been a while"
James- "Hello Squilliam, nice to see you recovered from that horrible incident"
Squilliam- "yes, it is isn't it"
James- "I like the outfit, but this is isn't a fancy dress party"
Squilliam- "Oh it isn't? Then why did you come dressed like a home less man?"
James- "Very funny Squilliam, any marriages you want to ruin again? or was that just for last year?"
Squilliam- "I don't know James, any houses you want to burn down? Or was mine enough for you?"
The answer to your question is True