non of the above
Just get as much as your brain can process
Answer:try writing it like this maybe youll sound a little more smarter
If I were a celebrity, I would get involved in various charitable organizations to help those in need. I would perform charity events and collect donations. I would also go out into the field and help prepare meals.
Being a woman myself, I would also get involved in various social causes, such as fighting against gender discrimination. I would also defend the rights of women who have been victims of aggression.
Despite the progress that has been made in the world, there are still inequalities between men and women.
You are able to understand yourself better, and figure out creative ways to improve upon your weaknesses, and even further strengthen your pre-existing strengths. This will lead to you becoming a lot more well-balanced, and rounded.
Invertebrates without Exoskeletons
They use fluid in their bodies to keep their shape and move around. Some invertebrates without skeletons are jellyfish, slugs, and worms. Invertebrates that don't have exoskeletons need other ways to protect themselves. Jellyfish have powerful stingers on their tentacles.
A non-helical hydrostatic skeleton structure is the functional basis of the mammalian penis.[3] Helically reinforced hydrostatic skeleton structure is typical for flexible structures as in soft-bodied animals.
The Coleoidae do not have a true endoskeleton in the evolutionary sense; there, a mollusk exoskeleton evolved into several sorts of internal structure, the "cuttlebone" of cuttlefish being the best-known version. Yet they do have cartilaginous tissue in their body, even if it is not mineralized, especially in the head, where it forms a primitive cranium. The endoskeleton gives shape, support, and protection to the body and provides a means of locomotion.
Answer: Today, we start using alternative sources of energy like solar power, wind power, geothermal, biomass, hydro power, waste energy and so on, because these renewable energy sources are not polluting the environment and are helping us to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and to reduce climate. Overall, these alternate forms are a huge help to our environment and support and benefit our personal and physical lives.