Explanation: A schema is the group that contains objects of databases with views, index, triggers, tables etc features. The specific user can access schema who persist a certain username.The user is considered as the owner of the database and its element.
Schema is usually bound to have only single database.There are some schema that are already present in the system as the in-built schema .E.g.- sys, guest etc.
Code is provided in the attachment form
Vector Multiplication code:
Vector_multiplication.c file contains C code.
See attachment no 1 attached below
Classification of Algorithm: For creating elements in vector c of size n, number of scalar multiplications is equal to n. The size of original two vectors scales directly with the number of operations. Hence, it is classified as O(n).
Health informatics is an interdisciplinary field which incorporates theory and methodology from fields in computer science is True.
To capture patient health information they used interdisciplinary field which is consists patient information and they diseases and cure treatment taken for that patient. All information is store in digital formatted.
The patient information is stored such as health informatics, nurse and doctor treatment, health treatment, medicine details, clinics information.
Health informatics are used to do further analysis on patient health. Doctors are using this information for their further treatment for their patient also.
Information are also can be used as IOT information so that patient information are readily available.