Saige's spaceship traveled 588 588588 kilometers ( km ) (km)left parenthesis, start text, k, m, end text, right parenthesis in 6
0 6060 seconds ( s ) (s)left parenthesis, start text, s, end text, right parenthesis. Determine whether or not each spaceship trip below has the same speed as Saige's spaceship. Has the same speed as Saige's spaceship Does not have the same speed as Saige's spaceship 441 km 441km441, start text, k, m, end text in 45 s 45s45, start text, s, end text 215 km 215km215, start text, k, m, end text in 25 s 25s25, start text, s, end text 649 km 649km649, start text, k, m, end text in 110 s 110s110, start text, s, end text