These things happened during the time of the Mexican Revolution. General Victoriano Huerta came after the assasination of Madero and Pino Suarez, but before that, Madero and Suarez were pushed to resign in 1913. The ouster of Huerta failed. The failure of Huerta's ouster resulted to a civil war.
Southern governments implemented a series of devices that would stop African-American citizens from voting including:
1) Poll Taxes- This was a certain amount of money an individual had to pay in order to vote. Many African-Americans could not afford these taxes.
2) Grandfather Clauses- This was a law that essentially stated that you were only able to vote if your grandfather voted. When this was first implemented, many African-American citizens were slaves before or their family members were slaves.
3) Literacy tests- These near impossible tests were based on a person's ability to read and write. This was effective when first implemented because many African-Americans did not have formal schooling due to their status as slaves before the end of the Civil War.
So the possibilities of getting a new season exist between low to none and it's about time that we accept the end of this legendary show. Our best guess is that in the unlikely scenario of the anime getting renewed, 'Naruto Shippuden' release date could be sometime in 2021