The empire had a huge standing army of cavalry, infantry and war elephants.
its for me dysphoria i have no idea what i look like anymore
The September 11 attacks and the 2004 tsunami are related because both were national tragedies that caused many deaths and sadness across the country.
The September 11 attacks were terrorist attacks that shocked the whole country with the cruelty of human beings. The attack left many dead and an entire country in mourning, melancholy and fear for everything that was happening. The 2004 tsunami was also a tragedy, but this time it was not caused by the human being, which does not diminish the sadness for the lives lost, but it leaves us frightened by nature and not by the human capacity to harm its peers.
Both of the tragedies shown above change my worldview because it shows how, despite being different, the human being in general is a fragile organism. We are affected quickly and cannot resist the attack of anything. For this reason, we have to be very careful with our words and our actions, just as we must be careful with the environment that surrounds us.
SAFFIR is a Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot, and it puts out fires very similarly to people: it holds a hose with water and directs it at the fire.
The Reapportionment Act of 1929 allowed states to draw districts of varying size and shape. It also allowed states to abandon districts altogether and elect at least some representatives at large, which several states chose to do, including New York, Illinois, Washington, Hawaii, and New Mexico.