1. Encyclopedia.
2. Online search engine.
3. Dictionary.
4. Thesaurus.
1. <u>Encyclopedia</u>: a collection of informative articles typically arranged in an alphabetical order about a wide variety of topics from around the world. It is also referred to as Encyclopedia Britannica and could either be in form of a book or an online (electronic) database.
2. <u>Online search engine</u>: information stored in databases and on sites. It's an internet resource or service that searches for keywords or categories specified by the end user and then displays (shows) a list of website which matches or have informations similar to the query. Some examples of popular search engines are Goo-gle, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
3. <u>Dictionary</u>: a book or electronic resource that comprises of definitions, pronunciation, and spelling of words that are often arranged in an alphabetical order. Also, it provides an example on the usage of a word.
4. <u>Thesaurus</u>: words with similar meaning listed together. It's simply a type of book that lists words having similar meanings (synonyms) together and words that have opposite meanings (antonyms). The word "thesaurus" was derived from Greek and it means treasure.
<span>Billy Ansel i think is the answer</span>
Correct answer choice is :
<h2>1) Bravely stand up for what is right.</h2><h2 /><h2>Explanation:</h2><h2 />
Democracy is a theme for this poem because he asks for his right and liberty as an American citizen despite his color, Hughes wants similar treatment both lawfully and ethically throughout his own country. Langston uses these tools to more advance his idea of an ideal democracy, where everybody is equal.
<h2 />
D. If it's too hard to read, then you should shorten some sentences to give the sentence more of a flow.
Answer: A. The negative connotations of the words emphasize the author's feeling that societal norms damage women artists in severe and lasting ways.