A photo of Rashad in his ROTC uniform appears on the news, and Spoony explains that he supplied the photo in order to control “the narrative.” Rashad is embarrassed and insists on turning the TV off, but he also understands Spoony's reasoning. ... Eventually, more texts show up about Rashad being on the news.Apr
A soda ban should be put in place, due to the fact it is the leading cause of obesity in the United States.
(I don't support a soda ban btw)
Social media cannot replace the value of face-to-face interactions
Funeral of Hearts
Megadeth - Of Mice and Men
The Killers - All These Things that I've done
Peter, Bjorn, and John - Young Folks
Depeche Mode - Precious
Rod Stewart - Killing of Georgie
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland by 1945
Wade Hayes - What I Meant to Say George Michael - Father Figure