Las notas musicales: Son 7 notas básicas: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si.
Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York.
A government official is a person who has been elected to a government office. The answer to this question is C. Hope it helps!
False, although Miguel Hidalgo's "Grito de Dolores" called for Mexicans to rise up, it was against Spanish rule and not against French rule. This is considered as the event that started the Mexican War of Independence and is called the "Grito de Dolores", because this translates as the Cry of Dolores, the small town in which the call to revolt was uttered.
When all the soldiers went off to battle these mountains were in the way so they had to go over the ... The people can use the water to drink, and to transport things across it like goods and people.