According to the law, untreated human waste must never be dumped overboard while on inland water; it is legal to do such a thing. Untreated human waste must be stored in a reservoir. It can then be disposed at the appropriate sewage disposal point on land.
Because there is a total of 118 in the bag and only 65 are gum drop
In this kind of population, the make up of the population's gene pool will remain virtually the same as long as these conditions hold. In this kind of situation, no evolution can take place, all thing will remain the same. For evolution to occur, competition must exist.
Due to the earth's rotation and the gravitational pull of the moon.
Southwards parallel to the shoreline.
A geological course that is made up of the movement of sediments like silt, clay, shingle and sandd within a coast parallel to the shoreline, which is reliant on oblique approaching wind direction is called longshore drift. Oblique incoming wind restraints water along the coast, and so creates a water current which moves parallel to the coast.