No because they worked tirelessly and got little in return other than the safety of the manor, instead the manor’s lord got most of the riches and lived comfortably
1. oregan and referendum laws
'this enabled Oregon citizens to directly initiate amendments to the Oregans state constitution, as well as entact new state stautes'. This was put into effect after the oregan electorate overwhelmingly approved a legistatively referred ballot measure
2. history of standard oil company
expose of oil companies and the riches man in the world at the time John Rockfeller
3. hepburn act, pure food and drug act
the purpose was to 'protect the public against adulteration of food and from products indentified as healthful without scientific support' basicllay put truth in labeling
4. triangle fire
deadliest fire ever in new york
5. 16th and 17th amendment ratified
16th; congress the power to collect taxes on income without apportioning it among the states
17th; allows the people to vote for who they want to represent them in the Senate
Supreme Court, congress and president
France sold the Louisiana Purchase to the U.S. to gain funds for the Napoleonic Wars back in Europe. Thomas Jefferson took the offer for $15 million. This was an offer her couldn't miss! It more than doubled the size of the United States and gave the country access to the Mississippi River.
I believe you are talking about the old kingdom or also known as the ancient world.