From the given excerpt, it is understood that the people’s evils deeds live on. The evil that men do lives after them however the good deeds which they have done gets over as their bones do after they die. This must be with Caesar and all the men who have done both the evils and the good deeds. The lyrics of the chorus thus shows that how evil deeds and the good deeds affects the life of the humans while they live and even after their death.
the quality of being slippery or difficult to trap.
The unshelled fish is lively and elusive: the unshelled fish seems to exist in a permanent mode of hide and seek. As though, its sole purpose is to prevent potential predators from coming close.
Part I: I value many things one of the few things i value is my family, i chose this because me and my family participate in many fun activities. Another thing i value is friends, i value my friends because they are like my safe place i feel like if anything happens i can go cry to them about it. I also value time to myself, with the time i get to myself i get time to think about a lot of things.
(You will need two more things you value if you would like to use my answer)
I mean yeah but its not gonna make people listen, some of them of course. I will because I wanna be really respectful to people