The two architectural orders that are visible at the Parthenon are Doric and Ionic.
The Parthenon used to be a temple dedicated to goddess Athena, but is not just a monument located in Athens, Greece. The columns can be either Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian, but the Corinthian one is not found in this temple.
I'm not exactly sure how to answer that for you, but you can use the attached file to pin-point what you are looking for.
Conflict avoidance is a type of people-pleasing behavior that typically arises from a deep rooted fear of upsetting others.
People who respond to conflict this way often expect negative outcomes and find it difficult to trust the other person’s reaction.
<span>Politics is the social institution that guides a society’s decision-making process. For example, in the United States we have a constitution we must follow, along with laws that support that constitution. There are three branches of the government that use politics to make decisions.</span>
This is not an easy questions, and there are different answers from different sources. I would start with:
1) all basic needs satisfied: food, security, shelter, health care
2) good social relations
3) possibility to grow: life-long education, possibility of advancement at work
4) time and resources to pursue hobbies and interests.