Respuesta: Invade Polonia.
Hitler ordena a la Wehrmacht, el Ejército de Tierra del Tercer Reich, invadir a la República de Polonia en la madrugada del 1 de abril de 1.939, esa invasión generó reacciones por parte de Reino Unido y Francia, los cuales tenían acuerdos de defensa mutua con ese país de la Europa Oriental. A las primeras horas de la mañana de ese día, el Reino Unido y la República Francesa declararon la guerra al Tercer Reich, dando comienzo a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
It regulates power between the branches of government so if u wanna say that congress wants to pass a law thats unconstitutional the judical branch steps in and tells them you cant do this
The patriots knew the land very well. Though they were not trained soldiers, many
were skilled hunters and knew how to use a gun.
They also carried rifled muskets that fire farther and were more
accurate. When they were losing in
conventional battles, they used their hunting skills against the British which
proved effective in fighting them.