Think of ways that you do things that other people do things differently than you.
Religion- different religions celebrate different holidays, different services (like church), some people aren't religious at all
Backgrounds/cultural identity- people come from all different places, some even from other countries. There are things like languages and foods and traditions that come with it
Social cliques- People tend to talk to those who are most like them, so there are different groups in environments of different people.
Watermelons and pineapples seem quite different when you first think about them and some factors do, but they are similar in many different ways. First, they are both fruits and they both contain juice which makes them the perfect thing to put in smoothies or on top of desserts. Secondly, they both have an ‘outer shell’ of sorts that helps protect the inside. Both have bright colors on the inside and darker colors on the outside. Additionally, both are refreshing and could help people cool down in the heat.
Many things make the two fruits different too. A watermelon covering is smooth and bright shades of green and the inside is a dark pale shade of pink, while a pineapple’s covering is a brown color, and it is rough and pointed in places and has a bright yellow interior. Watermelon is also heavier than a pineapple is, and it is cut in a separate way than a pineapple would be cut. While watermelons naturally have seeds in them, pineapples do not have seeds unless they are grown next to each other. Pineapple contains more Vitamin C than watermelons, but watermelon contains more Vitamin A. Watermelons are also messier because they contain more juice.
I hope this helps you.
It is 203 words. (I believe, you may want to double-check it)
I did not look up anything other than the Vitamin A and C facts, so I aplogize if it needs to be more detailed.
The answer to your question would be that suspense is created in the passage partly due to it being written in the third person limited point of view. That is, your answer would be C.
In the third person limited point of view, the narrator follows the thoughts and feelings of only one character. One character is closely followed throughout the story, and it is typically the main character. In this case, the narrator only follows Rainsford, someone else is seeing and narrating how he feels and that is what builds up the suspense.