Answer: The plaintiff in most cases has the burden of proof; the plaintiff brings the case to court and must provide enough evidence to have the case heard and to allow it to proceed. The term "defendant" is used in both civil and criminal lawsuits.
was April eating
It creates the sentence
what meal was April eating when she got sick?
There are two main ideas for each passage, in the first one it mentions the positive outcomes of having a pet in class; it can help children with health problems and nervousness in students will decrease. In this sentences it supports the idea of a pet in class, saying the positive results of it and how it helps or it will help children.
In the second passage it mentions the negative outcomes of having a pet in class; they will make some health problems worst and the nervousness in students will increase around them. These two ideas are against the possibility of having a pet in class, mentioning how it will affect students instead of helping them.
What makes these two passages different is the opinion towards one main idea: pets in class. One passage supports it and one is against it.