What the speaker is suggesting is the means by which she thinks peace, love and reconciliation can be achieved by people, not only with others, but also with themselves. The means she believes are necessary and people would be willing to do, in order to achive these goals, are, first, to bring out from the world of "dreams", or from "sleeping", all those good intentions and good principles, that would become the means of reaching those goals. So she proposes people to open the world of sleeping, of dreams, to bring those good things out into reality. Then she also says that people, if willing to open their entire selves, will be able to allow all those good intentions and actions that are closed up inside, to flow and help them to push their limitations, go beyond those limitations, even release those means, or ways, in which they might try to achieve their final goal of peace making, love making and reconciliation, but which might be wrong. Finally she says that people, who wish to achieve those three goals, are those who are willing to wake, which means, are willing to open up themselves to let all that is good inside, flow out. War is a very complicated matter, and it usually is produced by the greed, and ambition of people, as well as because of the envy that people may have towards one another. But it is possible that if people discovered a little bit more what´s truly within their hearts, which is not all bad, these goals might be achieved.