It's B because gene does not ask him how he feels
The correct answer is C. Spaced practice
Space practice refers to a learning and study technique in which learning activities, practice, etc. are divided into multiple short sessions. This technique is facilitates learning because information can be understood and learned better if it is divided. Moreover, this technique opposed massed practice that involves learning or practicing for a long-continued period.
Bryan is using spaced practice because she distributes or divides information and task into multiple sessions rather than doing everything in a long session. Due to this, she revies her notes multiple times, reads the chapters before class and during the weekend the checks previous notes.
B. The Woman Will Find A Supernatural Explanation For The Events.
We can infer this because the author says "She decides to investigate further."
<em>Which element is shared by both " Zoos: Joys or Jails? " and "Why do we Need Zoos?”</em>
<em>The answer is D) One-sided argument.</em>
- <em>In both " Zoos: Joys or Jails? “ and "Why do we Need Zoos?” it is clearly stated the idea of the writer against zoos. In “Zoos: Joys or Jails” the word joys compared to jails gives the ironic sensation the writer wants to give, it means people get joy out of jailing animals into zoos. The two “j’s” create a sort of rhyme that helps to the ironic or sarcastic tone. In “Why do we need Zoos?” the idea is that there is no real purpose on having zoos.</em>
<em>Read The passage. What technique is the author using to develop point of view?</em>
<em>" Though zoos are meant to be a joy to viewers and teach lessons about our earth, the zoo jails its inhabitants and passes on faulty knowledge . "</em>
<em>The correct answer is 4) Arguments from opposing views. </em>
- <em>In this passage, the technique helps the author in expressing the two sides of the coin, this is that people who go to zoos have fun and learn but treating animals as mere objects of entertainment. </em>