a quality that evokes pity or sadness.
"the actor injects his customary humor and pathos into the role"
B. No one can be as charming as my father can. A. Would be prettiest, C, Would be least, and D. Would be farthest.
The reader needs to connect with the character. When a reader emotionally connects with the character, he gets engaged and interested in the story.
If the reader knows the action of the story he will get more involved in resolving the end, by guessing or assuming.
If there isn’t an action that is noticed in the story, or that is unfamiliar to the reader, the reader can get bored and lose interest in the story.
It is personification because it makes the pain seem as it has feelings
He is distraught, terrified really, and reaches out for contact. He is enraged and displays his hand to prove to you he exists—"see here it is." He converts the listener, the reader, from a formal "thou" to a more intimate "you." The sentence moves from the conditional future to the present tense.
- Eijiro <3