The tributaries carry small amounts of salt into the lake
The Greatest salt lake is one of the most saline inland water body in the world.The water carried to this lake by the tributaries is very less as compared to the amount of the salt present in the lake. Rest part of the salt remains in the lake as such.
When the water from the lake gets evaporated, it leaves behind the salt. When time passes by, or years of inflow and evaporation salts they gets deposited layer over layer. The amount of salt added leads to formation of new minerals on the sea floor.
The answer will be for you U
Wind, an indirect form of solar energy, moves the surface currents while the surface currents itself also rotate in circular patterns due to the earth's rotational force. They are both part of the Coriolis effect.
The answer is letter A.
Dogs grow a thick coat fur during winter because they are adapting to change. Adaptations are
the result of evolution in different living organisms. This process occurs amazingly
through gene mutation but it takes a very long period in time. Adaptation
processes occur to help species survive and thrive in the ecological balance of
Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism that adapted
through time. An example of this is the thick coat of fur that dogs naturally grow to protect themselves from the change of the weather.
Cell membrane
Sumer has come up with a great analogy for a presentation she is giving in her psychology class. The membrane encasing a neuron only allows some ions to pass in and out of its channels. And she is going to describe this cell membrane as a guard only allowing some patrons to enter and leave a controlled area.