Jefferson directed Meriwether Lewis to gather as much information as he could concerning the possibility of trade with merchants there, and during the winter of 1803-04 Lewis considered conducting a personal reconnaissance of the Indian route to Spanish country that led up the Kansas River.
Answer: The invasion of Spain by Napoleon
Answering the question by the user in the first comment.
As was the case in most of their colonies, the Europeans practised classism in Latin America and perpetuated a social order where various classes of people were placed in positions on a social hierarchy based on race.
A lot of people resented this and began to spread revolutionary ideas around the continent but could take no real action as they would be repressed by the Spanish army.
This changed in 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain. To the Latin American revolutionaries, this showed that Spain had become weak and so they took advantage of the situation and launched widespread rebellion against their Spanish rulers.
One factor that led to the establishment of organized communities was simply the size of the migration movements, especially from the South, that required "grids" to be formed in many cities in the North.
Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
In the 18th Century Montesquieu said that these three branches of government should exercise only its function, and that would lead to what he believed liberty is.
In its major work, the Spirit of Law (L'Esprit de Lois, 1748), for the first time, he emphasized the idea of the separation of powers into executive-administrative, judicial and legislative, as is still known today in the practice of democratic states. He is also known for his concept of federalism. In the aforementioned section, he also talked about how different geographical conditions can influence the character of the rule. Many of his ideas will be found in the French Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen.