John Locke's First and Second Treaties on Government were written in defense of D. Glorious Revolution, when William of Orange overthrew King James II of England.
Angles, Jutes and Frisians were tribes of Germanic people who originally came from the area of current northern Germany and Denmark.
True -
This can be True and false and here's why. President Andrew Jackson signed this law moving Native Americans more west, so it did remove there tribes from the states and pushed them more to the west.
People come up with all kinds of explanations for their problems, if you cannot explain something its comforting to lie to yourself about the problem. People blamed everything on witches, if you had a terrifying nightmare it was a witch that cursed you, if you went out to hunt and found no game its a witch that is interfering.
The sepoy mutiny int he Indian subcontinent was instigated by political and social reasons. The predominant religions at the time in the subcontinent were Hinduism and Islam, the followers could not eat beef and pork respectively. The Indian population was practically enslaved by the British East India Company and how little to no rights. The soldiers that were conscripted, known as sepoys, were forced to fight in many wars such as the Afghan wars. What was the immediate catalyst was the forcing of them to put their mouths to animal grease (beef and pork) that lined their cartridges. This was one of the direct instigations of the sepoy mutiny.