yes of course. If you miss too many days(10) you can be held back. It will not matter if your absentee are excused or not.
Apperance Vs. Reality in my opinion
Beacuse the speaker, in 'Luncheon', wishes from the start that his date would be a gorgeous woman. He imagines a portrayal of a graceful lady in his mind.
I believe it’s answer A because the rest don’t seem that right.
The answer is: B. The doctor's payment for time spent with the lady
"The Dean's Provocation..." is a poem written by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu is a satiric poem written in response to “The Lady's Dressing Room” by Jonathan Swift both author are making fun of the gender interactions however on Montagu’s poem the doctor is a rich man that wants to pend time with a beautiful lady and ends up paying for it.