Answer: Although modern Western ideas about romantic love owe a certain amount to the classical Greek and Roman past, they were filtered through the very different culture of the European Middle Ages. One can trace the concepts which dominated Western thinking until recently to the mid-12th Century. Before that time, European literature rarely mentions love, and women seldom figure prominently. After that time, within a decade or two, all has changed. Passionate love stories replace epic combat tales and women are exalted to almost god-like status. Simultaneously, the Virgin Mary becomes much more prominent in Catholic devotions, and emotionalism is rampant in religion.
The pioneers of this shift in sensibility seem to have been the troubadours, the poets of Provence (now Southern France). Provençal is a language related to French, Italian and Spanish, and seems to have facilitated the flow of ideas across the often ill-defined borders of 12th-Century Europe. It has often been speculated that Arabic poetry may have influenced their work by way of Moorish Spain. Although this seems likely, it is difficult to confirm.
Explanation: Once the basic themes are laid down by the troubadours, they are imitated by the French trouvères, the German Minnesingers (love poets) and others. Thus, even though the disastrous 13th-Century Albigensian crusade put an end of the golden age of the troubadours, many of their ideas and themes persisted in European literature for centuries afterward.
Content validity
Your friend, Tania, is asking your advice on her new study design. She is conducting a study on whether milk chocolate consumption prior to a memory task will improve recall performance as compared to consuming white chocolate. She decides to include three participants in each group. You tell her that she should likely have more participants or she will lack <u>content</u> validity. Content validity has to do with whether your research subjects or respondents are representative of all aspect of your research construct. Increasing the sample size or the number of replicates per treatment increases the construct validity by increasing the degree of freedom and reducing experimental error. Increasing the sample size will make the study a more representation of the entire study population.
The two biggest cities of Indus valley civilization were Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. People lived in stone houses that were 2-3 stories high and all of them had sewage systems. The system was built with mud bricks and ran under the street. The city of Mohenjo Daro had 3,500 people.
Make mine the Brainliest
Manifest Destiny was a term used to describe how white settlers felt it was their duty to claim all the land between both oceans and to bring "civilization" to the Native Americans. Moving, killing or disregarding the Native Americans was okay if they believed they were bettering the Natives and their nation.
Because no one knows it's value....
ah no
it's because no one considers its value because of it's high and ease of availability
Few more points we consider it as a hidden resource
- It contains hidden resources like coal, petroleum.......
- It contains minerals, proteins which helps for growth of vegetation
- It contains water ( A major source)
- We extract elements like IRON, ALUMINIUM,...... from earth
- All these are hidden to naked eye
- Soil has memory also
- Soil is a solid foundation for the super structures we built
I hope you like it
This answer is from my perspective, just consider it if you realize and you like it.
Thank you ;))