Long-term v. short-term presidency: Some wanted lifelong terms down to two year terms--there were concerns of chaotic changes not allowing for stability and the states' rights side (Anti-Federalists) wanted the ability to change power often.
There were also discussions regarding qualifications and powers of the president. Most of the disagreements were decided by compromise leading to the government that is created out of the Constitutional Convention.
Both considered themselves to be going up against well off,self-serving tip top that fixed the framework for its own advantage. Jacksonianmajority rule government typified a profound threatening vibe towards the EastCoast banking and business elites, who were reprimanded for putting theirfinancial advantages over those of the average citizens, particularly ranchers.
President-veto legislation, command the armed forces, adjourn Congress, and grant pardons
Vice president-cast a tie-breaking vote when the senate is in deadlock and verify the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College
Heads of executive branches-communicates presidents messages to promote trade interests
Attorney general-enforces federal laws, and provides legal counsel in federal cases