A) True, he won 41.4%
B) True, won 99 out of 261, over John Quincy Adams with 84.
C) True, John Quincy Adams did win the election of 1824, even if he did not win either the electoral vote or popular vote. Fun!
D) True, he was named secretary of state
E) Martin Van Buren was a vice presidential candidate not a presidential candidate.
The Tower of London was built in the year 1078 by King William, Duke of Normandy.
This Tower is more than 1000 years old and is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. History tells us that King Edward of England failed to keep a promise to give his throne to William, Duke of Normandy but instead gave it to Harold Godwinson, his English brother in law.
William became angry and sent his army across the English channel to conquer England and on October 14, 1066 he fought with Harold and won the battle. Later that year on Christmas day, William was crowned King.
To keep the unruly citizens of London in line, he decided he needed a stronghold and so he built the Tower to act as his fortress.
With time, other smaller towers, extra buildings, walls, and walkways were added gradually transforming the original building into the splendid example of castle, fortress, prison, palace and finally museum that we enjoy today.
The Tower of London is a tourists attraction today.
He had a well-shaped head - not the "bullet" type of many pugilists - and dark hair which was turning gray. He carried this head at a proud angle which gave emphasis to his prominent jaw. His face was somewhat florid, so that even without knowing who he was, on would have said "Here is a man who has been a hard drinker." He had a fine mustache in the old tradition. Starting below his nostrils this mustache, a few shades grayer than his hair, extended in leisurely fashion over his lip and all the way across his face on both sides. The under edges were a trifle ragged and the curl at the ends was upward. He had a custom of snorting sometimes, as he was about to say something, after which he would stroke his mustache, first on one side, then on the other. I got the idea that this stroking business acted as a sedative on him. . . .
He talked with a perceptible, but not pronounced, brogue. When he became excited, however, this brogue grow thicker. He made small errors in grammar, which stamped him as a man of little education, but remembering how brief his education really was, one had to admit that he talked remarkably well. . . .
"Well, there's nothing to fighting, " he opened up, "Just come out fast from your corner, hit the other fellow as hard as you can and hit him first. That's all there is to fighting."
He laughed, then at once grew serious.
"What I should like to talk about is something else. Whiskey! There's the only fighter that ever really licked old John L. Jim Corbett, according to the record, knocked me out in New Orleans in 1892, but he only gave the finishing touches to what whiskey had already done to me. If I had met Jim Corbett before whiskey got me I'd have killed him. I stopped drinking long ago, but of course, too late. Too late for old John L., but not too late for millions of boys who are starting out to follow the same road