Representative Democracy
A Representative Democracy is a system of government where all eligible citizens vote on representatives to pass laws for them. An example is the U.S., where we elect a president, members of the Congress, local and state officials.
Good Morning!
Maryland was the first colony of private characteristics and served as a refuge for Catholics, having established religious tolerance legally already in its initial period.
It is wrong to say, therefore, that
Lord Baltimore used the patroon system to govern Maryland.
Answer: Russia mobilized its forces, prompting Germany to declare a two-front war against Russia and France.
More details:
Various systems of alliances were put in place before World War I. The two main alliance systems were the Triple Entente, which had Britain, France and Russia as allies, and the Triple Alliance, which had Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy as allies. There were also other alliances, such as Russia taking on recently independent Serbia as an ally, as both had ethnic Slavic populations.
So here's how the start of World War I happened. When the Austrian prince and his wife were assassinated in Serbia, the Austrian government threatened the nation of Serbia with retaliatory action (even though the assassination was carried out by a terrorist group, not the Serbian government). Russia responded to Austria's threat, because Russia was bound to protect its Slavic ally, Serbia. Germany responded to the mobilization of Russian troops, and when Germany declared war on Russia in 1914, they implemented a military plan (the Schlieffen Plan), which assumed war would mean they'd have to take on all members of the Triple Entente alliance. So as soon as Germany declared war on Russia, they sent troops to go attack France. That pulled France and Britain into the war immediately as well, and the war spread and became a global conflict.
The Supreme Court upheld the policy of interning Japanese American citizens during World War II.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US officially declared war on Japan. Shortly after this, the federal government was suspicious of Japanese American citizens and feared that many of them were spies for Japan. This is why president Franklin D. Roosevelt passed executive order 9066. This law resulted in the placing of Japanese American citizens into internment camps.
Korematsu was one of those citizens placed into an internment camp. He lated sued the federal government saying that this was a violation of his constitutional rights. However, the Supreme Court sided with the government as they felt that wartime actions can justify actions like the one taken by president Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Grand Duchy of Moscow
Looking at the modern-day history of Russia. It can be inferred that the name Russia metamorphosed from some previous names given to the location of territory.
Hence, the name of present Russia started from where it began with
1. Grand Duchy of Moscow -1283–1547
2. Tsardom of Russia 1547–1721
3. Russian Empire 1721–1917
4. Soviet Russia 1917–1922
5. the Soviet Union 1922–1991
6? Russian Federation 1991–present)
Therefore, in this case, the correct answer is Grand Duchy of Moscow -1283–1547