Every good friend once was a strange
Utility refers to a thing’s effect on the physical world, while value refers to a thing’s effects on a persons mind
Hope this helps :)
<em>Germany and Russia fight about Austria or Germany will render him Russia cant handle that anymore. Then Britain and France ask Germany it there looking at Belgium then Turkey and Germany go talk then they come. Turkey makes a show of not looking at anyone then Germany looks at France and punches Belgium. France partners up with Britain then punches Germany while Austria punches Russia and Germany punches Britain and France with one hand plus punches Russia with the other one. Russia tries to punch Germany but misses and nearly falls over while Japan calls over from the other side that's on Britain's side. But they stay there Italy surprises everyone by punching Austria then Australia takes a hit towards Turkey and gets punched back. There was no hard feels because Britain made Australia punch them. While France gets thrown through a window but get back up and counitues too fight and Russia gets thrown through another one and gets knocked out. Italy thorws a punch but misses Austria but Austria falls over anyway but Italy raises there fist and runs around the room. America waits till Germany is about to fall from getting a big punch from Britain and France then walks over and hits it with a barstool. By then everything is broken so Britain, France, and America agreed that Germany threw the first punch so it was Germany's fault</em>
Well if was a few things, first was the idea of why are we fighting to protect the democracy of a country have way across the world especially when many South Vietnamese government seemed on the edge of collapse and was oppressing the Buddhist majority, then fact that we had a draft here, however politicians refused to activate the reserve and the national guard so many young people who were forced to serve were upset, then many people believed the Vietnamese people had the right to self determination.
but the many TL DR reason was just how many Americans were being killed in the pointless war and how many Americans were captured, also in 1967 and 1968 when it seemed like we couldn't win the war, and when documents were released saying that LBJ didn't think we could win either that really hurt support for the war