Beacause china won the opium war . and the westerns had military tech . Also china liked expanding. Lastly beacause china requested encomic assitance from the west.
Alaska provides oil.
1/3rd of Alaska's jobs are related to oil or gas.
In 1976 Alaska reserved a portion of the revenue to provide a citizen's dividend to residents of Alaska, which continues today. In 2010, a family of 4 receives 22,000 USD from the state. Since 1959, Alaska has in total gained $157 billion (adjusted in today's dollar value).
The cause of world war one
World war one was caused by the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was murdered by a gang called the Black hand gang. The leader of this notorious gang was Dragutin Dimitrijevic. He was a Serbian who wanted freedom for his country. What he didn't know was that Franz Ferdinand was actually trying to negotiate with Serbia. He was shot by Gavrilo Princip (one of the members of the Black Hand gang. Princip was 19) Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were killed on 28th June 1914. Sophie was pregnant at that time so their child (soon to be born) didn't survive. This caused anger but there was another series of events which actually caused the war. Through her alliance with Britain, Japan declares war on Germany and attacks the German colony of Tsingtau in China. World War one officially started on 28th July 1914.
Hope this helps!! x
A an agreement between Britain and the United States to end the War of 1812
The Treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom.